Over Christmas break, I was able to spend a blissful (yet busy) couple weeks at home in my West Virginia hills. Unfortunately due to time restraints, this visit home didn't include a lot of catch-up sessions with friends, but I did get to spend a lot of time with my eight nieces and nephews. The whole fambam came in town!! My sister, Micah, has been called to serve an 18-month mission in Sydney, Australia. We are SO excited for her, but we knew we needed to spend time together since she'll be away from us for so long. It was a much needed break :)
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The Gibson side of the family! |
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The Traditional Christmas Eve Couch Picture |
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I mean her smile will get you every time! |
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Two of my nieces wanted to sleep in my bed. I came in a couple hours after they had fallen asleep to find no room at the inn. |
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I made an Atkinson trivia game for Christmas! |
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The whole fam caroling to our good friend Reed! |
Papa woos the grandkids through gumballs and guitars. |
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Her mom was offended that Dad got Brooklyn this book for Christmas, because he thought it looked like her on the cover. I'll just let this picture do all the talking. |
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You haven't tasted goodness, until you've had one of my dad's milkshakes. |
"Today was a very very special day for my family. A year ago today, I was thousands of miles away from my family serving as a missionary when I found out my amazing grandma passed away. Today, in her honor and in her behalf, we went to the temple. As in Biblical times, we believe temples are a special place - even the House of God on earth. In the temple we are bound together as families. Death does not divide us. Today was my sweet sister, Micah's first time in part of the temple to make special promises with Heavenly Father in preparation to serve an 18-month mission in Sydney, Australia. For the first time ever, my parents and all of their children and son/daughter-in-laws were in the temple together. Families ARE forever. "Will the circle be unbroken by and by Lord, by and by...there's a better home awaiting in the sky Lord, in the sky." If you have more questions about why temples are so important, check out this link:http://www.mormon.org/faq/ topic/temples/question/ use-of-temples"
It really was a very sacred experience for me. I always feel at home in the temple, and nothing makes you feel more complete than being there with your whole family.
It really was a very sacred experience for me. I always feel at home in the temple, and nothing makes you feel more complete than being there with your whole family.
And then it was a slap of reality and back to real life in Provo! We had to let our roommate, Jazzy, go off and get married, but we love our new roommate Jamie!
Okay okay. Now it's time for the story that led most of you to click on this blog update in the first place...Cameron and I are engaged!!!
(In case you don't know, Cameron and I met our freshman year of college, dated some that year, wrote letters for three years while we both served missions, and have been dating since I got back from my mission this past summer).
By November we knew we wanted to seal the deal and get married this Spring. I told him my ring size, I showed him pictures of the type of rings I liked, my Dad conveniently had a business trip to Utah and Cameron asked him for permission, etc. etc. For whatever reason, I was convinced that Cameron was going to propose before Christmas break. On one night in particular, I was SURE he was going to get on one knee. #wrong. As we were driving home from our date and at the very moment it hit me we were not getting engaged that night, the conversation between us went a little something like this: (Just as a preset, it was a really hard day school wise and such, so I was a little out of it. Also, I assumed my Christmas gift from him would be my ring.)
"Ali, I wasn't planning on giving you your Christmas gift tonight, but I think it would make you happy if I did. But I feel bad because it's not wrapped yet, but it's in a little cute box at my house...So we can go get if you want."
*cue jaw drop* (I knew he wouldn't dare propose on a whim while driving in a car, but I was just so confused)
Realizing why my face had the most bewildered expression on it, Cameron exclaimed "wait Ali! It's not a ring!"
"Ali...rings don't come in boxes..."
*cue my palm to my face*
Turns out he bought me a beautiful watch for Christmas. My watch broke a few weeks before, and it was a very thoughtful gift. He just didn't think the small box associations through very well. #heavens. Bless his heart. Bless my heart. Bless everyone's hearts.
Fast forward a few weeks later, and I'm back in Provo after Christmas break. Since the wedding planning commenced while I was with my mom over break, I knew the proposal was coming soon, but didn't know what day. He asked me to block off the evenings that I could for two weeks.
Thursday night, he made me drive on our way back to Provo from his hometown. He handed me a slip of paper that had a rhyming clue on it to drive to a place that meant something to us. When we got there I got a clue that led me to another place. Here's an example of one,
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We miss the Barnes! |
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And I think this picture sums our new apartment dynamics pretty well. We're doing the Insanity 60 Day Workout Challenge. (...AKA I only participate like 65% of the time....) #prayforus |
(In case you don't know, Cameron and I met our freshman year of college, dated some that year, wrote letters for three years while we both served missions, and have been dating since I got back from my mission this past summer).
By November we knew we wanted to seal the deal and get married this Spring. I told him my ring size, I showed him pictures of the type of rings I liked, my Dad conveniently had a business trip to Utah and Cameron asked him for permission, etc. etc. For whatever reason, I was convinced that Cameron was going to propose before Christmas break. On one night in particular, I was SURE he was going to get on one knee. #wrong. As we were driving home from our date and at the very moment it hit me we were not getting engaged that night, the conversation between us went a little something like this: (Just as a preset, it was a really hard day school wise and such, so I was a little out of it. Also, I assumed my Christmas gift from him would be my ring.)
"Ali, I wasn't planning on giving you your Christmas gift tonight, but I think it would make you happy if I did. But I feel bad because it's not wrapped yet, but it's in a little cute box at my house...So we can go get if you want."
*cue jaw drop* (I knew he wouldn't dare propose on a whim while driving in a car, but I was just so confused)
Realizing why my face had the most bewildered expression on it, Cameron exclaimed "wait Ali! It's not a ring!"
"Ali...rings don't come in boxes..."
*cue my palm to my face*
Turns out he bought me a beautiful watch for Christmas. My watch broke a few weeks before, and it was a very thoughtful gift. He just didn't think the small box associations through very well. #heavens. Bless his heart. Bless my heart. Bless everyone's hearts.
Fast forward a few weeks later, and I'm back in Provo after Christmas break. Since the wedding planning commenced while I was with my mom over break, I knew the proposal was coming soon, but didn't know what day. He asked me to block off the evenings that I could for two weeks.
Thursday night, he made me drive on our way back to Provo from his hometown. He handed me a slip of paper that had a rhyming clue on it to drive to a place that meant something to us. When we got there I got a clue that led me to another place. Here's an example of one,
"My second chance
I was not going to miss
Go to the place
Where we had our first kiss."
The scavenger hunt clues were a little cheesy and not exactly Cameron's style, but I figured it was just the beginning part of a long proposal. I was just SO excited to be engaged to him and just SO in love to even care that he was going to be wearing his corny accounting t-shirt in our proposal pictures.
Our seventh clue was to my apartment. We got out, took a picture, and got back in the car. I turned to him and excitedly asked, "okay! what's my next clue?" To which he looked at me with the most apologetic face I have ever seen and said, "You are going to kill me."
Then it hit me what he had done. I realized all too quickly that the scavenger hunt was a fake proposal to throw me off of when he would actually propose.
I replied with the most sass I have ever had (which if you know me, that is A LOT of sass), "I am going to kill you!"
I slammed the car into park, got out of the car, threw my gloves at him, told him he had 30 seconds to park my car and walk home, and then I stomped inside.
He called me half an hour later to see if I was okay. Lets just say my snarky comments were out of control. #sorrynotsorry
He told me we had plans for Friday and Saturday at least. I felt like I saw right through his plans. It would be so Cameron to do like 5 fake proposals so that I wouldn't know when he was actually going to get on that knee.
He told me ahead of time on Friday that we were going to a nice restaurant, so I could dress nice. Positive it was another fake proposal, I told my parents I wasn't getting engaged that night and I didn't even redo my nails. We drove up to Salt Lake and I was trying my best to be appreciative of the nice date, rather than sass him for another fake proposal. #toohard At the end of the meal, I said "Okay where next?" He once again apologetically said, "you're going to me kill me." I proudly replied, "It's okay. I knew this was another fake proposal!"
We decided to drive back to my apartment and watch a movie. I texted my roommates to ask if Cameron and I could use our TV in the basement (aka let them know I did not get engaged). My roommate Kathryn (who told me that morning she was spending the evening shopping in Salt Lake) called me almost instantly.
"Sister! Is there anyway you are getting engaged tonight?"
"Are you sure? Do you promise?"
"Yes! There is no way. What's up?"
"I am so sorry to ruin your date, but as we were driving to Salt Lake tonight we got a flat tire! We put the spare tire on and kept driving but then the car started to smell bad. We pulled off a random exit in Sandy and now we think we need to tow it, but we don't have a ride back to Provo. I wouldn't have dared call you if I thought you were getting engaged, but I just don't know who else to call!"
"Seriously---no worries at all! Pin your location on your iPhone and send it to me."
"Oh my gosh! Thank you! I am so sorry! Also, I'm worried because my phone might die before you get here."
"Don't worry! We have your location and we'll see you soon."
We backtrack a little and drive to the location using our GPS. We pull into a dark parking lot.
"Cameron. Something isn't right. This isn't a gas station and Kathryn isn't answering her phone. I don't think she sent us the right location..."
"Well lets get out of the car and look for her."
*Cameron gets out, walks around, and opens my door.*
"Cameron. I am not getting out of the car! It's freezing! And it's dark and sketchy! Why isn't she answering?!"
Cameron then proceeds to unbuckle my seat belt, hang up my phone, and pull me out of the car.
Then I realized the lit up gazebo across the street was for us.
"OHHHHH. Is this for real?! You got me so good! I swear if this is another fake proposal, then this is just cruel. Is this really for real?! Oh my gosh.. You got me so good!"
He really did. We walked over to the beautiful gazebo that was strung with lights and pictures of us from over the years.
I am so happy. Being in a relationship with Cameron has already taught me so much. Here's a quote from a modern-day apostle that I think sums up some thoughts I have been having recently:
"To give ourselves so totally to another person is the most trusting and perhaps the most fateful step we take in life. It seems such a risk and such an act of faith. None of us walking toward the altar would seem to have the confidence to reveal everything that we are - all our hopes, all our fears, all our dreams, all our weaknesses - to another person. Safety and good sense and this world's experience suggest that we hang back a little, that we not wear our heart on our sleeve where it can so easily be hurt by one who knows so much about us. We fear, as Zechariah prophesied of Christ, that we will be "wounded in the house of [our] friends". But no marriage is really worth the name, at least not in the sense that God expects us to be married, if we do not fully invest all that we have and all that we are in this other person who has been bound to us through the power of the holy priesthood. Only when we are willing totally to share life does God find us worthy to give life."-Elder Holland
So now I'm in the full swing of the craziest but most exciting semester of my life!
We are getting married April 2 in the Salt Lake City temple and having a reception later that night 20 minutes south of Provo in Cameron's hometown. My sister leaves for her mission April 8th, plus April 2nd worked out for us for other reasons as well, so yes---we are one of those crazy couples who gets married in the middle of the semester!! Our West Virginia reception will be May 2nd. SO EVERYONE SAVE THOSE DATES! Wedding planning is in full swing and it's so much fun :)
Since Cameron will graduate with his masters in April 2017, I have decided to alter my education plans to match his a little better. I am hopefully graduating this summer which is earlier than planned. (I need to do two trumpet recitals between now and May! So everyone just pray for me, haha). I rushed to take the GRE and applied for grad schools and have looked into starting some jobs this fall if I don't do the grad school route. I would love to work in the arts administration field while still playing and teaching el trumpeto. There are a lot of options so we'll see how it all goes!
Another new change this semester is that I'm working 20 hours a week this semester as a TA for a favorite religion professor and in some of the computer labs on campus. I am SO grateful for my jobs!
I am making so many big girl decisions from financial planning to preparing for marriage to even going to bed and getting up early! #miracleshappen I think at the age of 22, I am finally becoming an adult, haha. Although (barely) rear-ending a car in front of me at a stop light because I was so distracted/overwhelmed after my first gynecologist appointment doesn't illustrate that I am handling all of these adult changes and craziness well, I promise I am!
I wish I had all the time in the world to catch up with everyone that I love and miss, but know that I think about you often and hope to hear from you soon! HAPPY NEW YEAR! LOVE YOU ALL!!
Our seventh clue was to my apartment. We got out, took a picture, and got back in the car. I turned to him and excitedly asked, "okay! what's my next clue?" To which he looked at me with the most apologetic face I have ever seen and said, "You are going to kill me."
Then it hit me what he had done. I realized all too quickly that the scavenger hunt was a fake proposal to throw me off of when he would actually propose.
I replied with the most sass I have ever had (which if you know me, that is A LOT of sass), "I am going to kill you!"
I slammed the car into park, got out of the car, threw my gloves at him, told him he had 30 seconds to park my car and walk home, and then I stomped inside.
He called me half an hour later to see if I was okay. Lets just say my snarky comments were out of control. #sorrynotsorry
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sometimes your roommates (whom you later find out lied to you about knowing everything) give you ice cream when you most need it. |
He told me ahead of time on Friday that we were going to a nice restaurant, so I could dress nice. Positive it was another fake proposal, I told my parents I wasn't getting engaged that night and I didn't even redo my nails. We drove up to Salt Lake and I was trying my best to be appreciative of the nice date, rather than sass him for another fake proposal. #toohard At the end of the meal, I said "Okay where next?" He once again apologetically said, "you're going to me kill me." I proudly replied, "It's okay. I knew this was another fake proposal!"
We decided to drive back to my apartment and watch a movie. I texted my roommates to ask if Cameron and I could use our TV in the basement (aka let them know I did not get engaged). My roommate Kathryn (who told me that morning she was spending the evening shopping in Salt Lake) called me almost instantly.
"Sister! Is there anyway you are getting engaged tonight?"
"Are you sure? Do you promise?"
"Yes! There is no way. What's up?"
"I am so sorry to ruin your date, but as we were driving to Salt Lake tonight we got a flat tire! We put the spare tire on and kept driving but then the car started to smell bad. We pulled off a random exit in Sandy and now we think we need to tow it, but we don't have a ride back to Provo. I wouldn't have dared call you if I thought you were getting engaged, but I just don't know who else to call!"
"Seriously---no worries at all! Pin your location on your iPhone and send it to me."
"Oh my gosh! Thank you! I am so sorry! Also, I'm worried because my phone might die before you get here."
"Don't worry! We have your location and we'll see you soon."
We backtrack a little and drive to the location using our GPS. We pull into a dark parking lot.
"Cameron. Something isn't right. This isn't a gas station and Kathryn isn't answering her phone. I don't think she sent us the right location..."
"Well lets get out of the car and look for her."
*Cameron gets out, walks around, and opens my door.*
"Cameron. I am not getting out of the car! It's freezing! And it's dark and sketchy! Why isn't she answering?!"
Cameron then proceeds to unbuckle my seat belt, hang up my phone, and pull me out of the car.
Then I realized the lit up gazebo across the street was for us.
"OHHHHH. Is this for real?! You got me so good! I swear if this is another fake proposal, then this is just cruel. Is this really for real?! Oh my gosh.. You got me so good!"
He really did. We walked over to the beautiful gazebo that was strung with lights and pictures of us from over the years.
He said some really sweet and genuine things and then he finally got on one knee,
pulled out a gorgeous ring, and said,
"Alexandra Atkinson, will you marry me?"
Our friends (who set it up and were taking pictures) cheered
and emerged from the darkness and we took lots of pictures...
and emerged from the darkness and we took lots of pictures...
Rhett, Kathryn, Amy, and Chad --- we owe you! |
Pray for our children. |
After they left, we danced to 'our song' and were just so happy.
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Cameron designed it himself. He did good, huh? |
We drove home to my apartment, which to my surprise, was full of his family (so glad they live so close) and some of our closest friends congratulating us! Cameron's sweet Dad brought me beautiful roses and his awesome mom brought us all cookies and hot chocolate!
Some of our freshman friends! |
It was simply so perfect.
I am so happy. Being in a relationship with Cameron has already taught me so much. Here's a quote from a modern-day apostle that I think sums up some thoughts I have been having recently:
"To give ourselves so totally to another person is the most trusting and perhaps the most fateful step we take in life. It seems such a risk and such an act of faith. None of us walking toward the altar would seem to have the confidence to reveal everything that we are - all our hopes, all our fears, all our dreams, all our weaknesses - to another person. Safety and good sense and this world's experience suggest that we hang back a little, that we not wear our heart on our sleeve where it can so easily be hurt by one who knows so much about us. We fear, as Zechariah prophesied of Christ, that we will be "wounded in the house of [our] friends". But no marriage is really worth the name, at least not in the sense that God expects us to be married, if we do not fully invest all that we have and all that we are in this other person who has been bound to us through the power of the holy priesthood. Only when we are willing totally to share life does God find us worthy to give life."-Elder Holland
So now I'm in the full swing of the craziest but most exciting semester of my life!
We are getting married April 2 in the Salt Lake City temple and having a reception later that night 20 minutes south of Provo in Cameron's hometown. My sister leaves for her mission April 8th, plus April 2nd worked out for us for other reasons as well, so yes---we are one of those crazy couples who gets married in the middle of the semester!! Our West Virginia reception will be May 2nd. SO EVERYONE SAVE THOSE DATES! Wedding planning is in full swing and it's so much fun :)
Since Cameron will graduate with his masters in April 2017, I have decided to alter my education plans to match his a little better. I am hopefully graduating this summer which is earlier than planned. (I need to do two trumpet recitals between now and May! So everyone just pray for me, haha). I rushed to take the GRE and applied for grad schools and have looked into starting some jobs this fall if I don't do the grad school route. I would love to work in the arts administration field while still playing and teaching el trumpeto. There are a lot of options so we'll see how it all goes!
Another new change this semester is that I'm working 20 hours a week this semester as a TA for a favorite religion professor and in some of the computer labs on campus. I am SO grateful for my jobs!
I am making so many big girl decisions from financial planning to preparing for marriage to even going to bed and getting up early! #miracleshappen I think at the age of 22, I am finally becoming an adult, haha. Although (barely) rear-ending a car in front of me at a stop light because I was so distracted/overwhelmed after my first gynecologist appointment doesn't illustrate that I am handling all of these adult changes and craziness well, I promise I am!
I wish I had all the time in the world to catch up with everyone that I love and miss, but know that I think about you often and hope to hear from you soon! HAPPY NEW YEAR! LOVE YOU ALL!!
(Here are some other random pics I wanted to include)
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reunited with my companion Sister Son!! |
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Manti Temple date! |
Sister Howard (one of my favorite mission people) came to town! |
Ali, I loved your story! Not going to lie, I got teary eyed reading it because it is so perfect. We are so excited to have you in our family and look forward to getting to know you better! Congrats!!!